Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How quickly things can change....

Well after VBS Friday we came home and I laid the little girls down for a nap. This is my time to catch up on emails/work and just have some time to sit. About 4 o'clock contractions hit me like a freight train!! Luckily I had meds from last pregnancy and was able to start them and got them to taper off in a couple hours. Of course it had to happen on a Friday. So I just stayed on my meds until the Dr got in the office on Monday. (yes I could have gone to the hospital but I use MY Dr because MY Dr knows me it would be like rewinding 10 years to see another Dr) Once he saw me he said "your older kids are old enough to be helping you out" "I want you off your feet" obviously still a male Dr. :) But our short term goal is to get to AT LEAST 34 weeks anything before that will be reason for a trip to "the big house" as he said. That would be to SA and that is the LAST thing we want for oh so many reasons!! Ideally we would still like to make it to 38 weeks but at this point every day and week count! I would foresee him taking me off my meds and letting nature take its course right before the 35 week point if not then then it would be the following week. My doc is very much a take it as it comes type of guy! He is just the right balance. But I know him well enough to know if he says get off my feet that's what I have to do. He hadn't told me that the last 3 pregnancies so I know he had his reasons!! Of course he leaves on vacation this weekend and won't be back till the 3rd.... but the Dr on call for me (like the way I say that and this is why we love Seguin) My 2nd choice doc is going to cover my care if my Dr isn't around instead of just having the random on call doc cover. Dr number 2 knows my history-knows me-treats our family- and has probably the most caring heart and best bedside manner around. So I know he will treat me just as my OB would and I trust him 100% and that's what I have to go into a situation with and that is a huge reason to not want anything to do with the SA Drs. I go from being a PERSON/FRIEND who is being cared by people who care about the outcome to being #682 don't know you from Joe the game is on and I'm having to be here! :( I'm a pretty relaxed in control patient but I would NOT be emotionally stable if I got removed from my comfort zone!! And then the care of my newborn to just whoever :0 the thought makes me sick at my stomach!! I would seriously be a nut case!! So I sit and rest and we say our prayers to prevent any threat to this unborn baby and to keep all my nuts in a row!! Into day 3 of things and the kids are doing very well considering. Of course they get a little more wild because they have a little longer leash and are stuck at home. But hopefully this will be for only a couple more weeks and we'll have time to fit in a couple more "fun" things before Icky arrives!! So to all who read this please keep us in your prayers!!! Yes Icky would probably have minimal issues at birth but at 32/33 weeks a lifetime of issues could follow and those are things no parent wants to think about for their child.