Saturday, August 8, 2009

Aug already....

Well once Aug hits so does all the Back To School musts!! Of course it's a little hard to register 4 kids from bed! So P and my mom got to tackle that one. Of course there was a ton of paperwork that only a parent could fill out and info that P had no clue about!! But with a couple phone calls and a second trip to drop off paperwork all 4 kids are registered for another school year. The first day is the 24th so only 2 more weeks!
I have found one perk to bedrest...can't shop so mom also got the chore of finding school supplies. Some things I just know my husband would go crazy doing and I'm avoiding that at all costs right now!! So thank goodness for NaMaw! They are all bought labeled and in backpacks ready to go!! Now just to get the point across to the teachers that we WILL NOT be sharing school supplies this year. Thats always my wish but this year it will be my DEMAND. You know how many germs are on all those crayons and scissors. YUCK!!
Thank goodness I am a little bit of a type A personality and got clothes shopping for school done the beginning of July. That would have been a nightmare. But everyone has new clothes and school supplies so they are good to go now!! But lets pray Icky does NOT choose to make a debut on the first day of school that would be a little crazy for ALL involved! Even the weekend before would not be ideal SO you KNOW when it will happen ;) Hopefully we will have that last week of Summer to hit the pool and work in a couple last summer fun activities!! -
As for Icky...we went back to the Dr Thursday. My other half was a bit nervous Wed night with me having contractions every 4 minutes for a couple hours. He said he was fine delivering a 38 week baby at home but NOT a 34 weeker :) Luckily no change so we were just to stick with our same treatment. Then Thurs night was a crazy night for me with side effects from the meds. It's a crazy med on a normal dose but he has me completely maxed out and it has some crazy side effects some that I think I may be discovering. For 2 weeks my left ear has been numb causing a very weird hearing sensation. Dr checked it out and there was nothing in the ear like fluid to cause the problem but he had never had anyone complain of that before. Then that night the entire room was spinning and I could not lift my head off the pillow. The next morning I had a nose bleed which makes us think it was high B/P. So I decided the heck with this I'm stopping the meds. Friday was a great day contractions weren't much worse so I figured well the meds weren't doing anything anyway. AND my ear got better through the day. Then this morning I still wasn't taking my meds and contractions hit a little too crazy so it was back on the drugs I went...I will just live with the side effects for 5 more days and pray the Dr takes me off them Friday. The only thing is that means contractions would more than likely return like they did today within a day or so. Not really a "bad" thing because I'd be far enough along to deliver BUT that makes me really nervous because I wouldn't go running to the hospital with them like that because that is my normal BUT they go from my normal to baby in a matter of half an hour or less. SO the Dr and I will have to get more of a game plan laid out. Something along the lines of I'm calling him as I get in the car and he can wait for me a mile down the road and follow me to the hosp or deliver on the side of the road!! ;) Quick deliveries are great but this is the down side of them! But I guess that's just one of the risks of having a baby. I'm sure all will go smoothly and as I've told P we will do this until 38 weeks when the Dr induces me just like the past 4 times!!
The new OB opening has been pushed back too! It is now "set in stone for the 18th". We'll see if we make it!! And for all those misinformed or catty people I would love to have this baby in the new wing because it is BEAUTIFUL top notch technology and something as an employee of the hospital I have been part of watching from the ground up. Something that has been talked about honestly since I was hired there 17 years ago. So my "goal" is not to have the first baby born in the new unit as was so rudely stated to me today but I would be a bit ticked to be the last to deliver in the old one. BUT that is usually how our luck goes! But I'd guess when the time comes I really won't care what wing I'm in as long as I am at the hospital and not the side of the road or home alone with 6 kids!! Can you tell what I'm most nervous about?? :)


The Trost's said...

No matter how hard you try your kids are going to share supplies with other kids in the class, even if they have their own crayon and pencil box. As a teacher I can not possibly keep up with all my students things - that is their responsibility. I can and do make sure that the kids wash hands before snack and lunch.

The Leader Of This Crazy Clan said...

I know it's tough. But sadly my kids have stuff like that drilled in their heads. I just hate the "community" supplies. I would think in the next couple weeks CDC may come out w/ new recommendations for schools to prevent the spread of flu and maybe this won't be an issue.... but thinking it still will. But sometimes moms just have to do what they have to do to keep kids healthy!! And I admit I'm quite the anal germaphob :)