Sunday, June 7, 2009

Do you ever wonder......

Do you ever sit back and wonder what people think of the life they see once they are dead and gone?? I sit and have to laugh at how gullible people in life are. And get quite disgusted by all the "church going christians" who go to church every Sunday Bible studies in between shouting to the world what a wonderful christian they are. But sometimes I have to question are these people maybe the ones who need to be reevaluated the most. They like the public to see them one way and to fit that I'm the perfect parent/friend/citizen mold. But then as life continues and the ghosts surface you find out that man in the second row serving his church and Lord is molesting his daughter the 6 days in between. Or the father who sits in church with his wife and kids only to commit adultery but go take communion every week and continue in his ways. Then you have those who blow smoke up peoples butts praising themselves and spreading lies and rumors stirring the pot any chance they get just to make the impression of themselves better-yet living a life of lies while others get hurt by the actions. So do you ever wonder when the family of these people die and look back on their lives and see what BS they believed their entire lives and how it impacted the people around them - do they regret their behavior? Are they saddened that they were so stupid going through life? Or do they still turn the other way only wanting to believe this oh so wonderful church going christian? Yes I am christian and therefore I live each and everyday knowing I am an honest person. Maybe that doesn't benefit me in my day to day life because wouldn't everybody love me if I was that person who lived a fake life just to fit the expectations of those around me at the time? A christian on Sundays, healthy when my doctor asks, the perfect wife, the perfect mother...... Nope I don't guess I fall into any of those categories BUT man it feels great to go to bed every night knowing I don't have a lie to defend or remember. And though I don't fit that "perfect" mold I find comfort in knowing that when those around me die they can see that in their life I may not have been in church every Sunday, I may not have been the perfect mother but as they look down they will see that I was the honest one always telling those around me the truth while others lives were built on lies. And how stupid are they going to feel when they see their maker and have to justify their actions toward the honest one??? So life may not be great everyday but god does it feel good to live an honest life and get to think about how stupid some people are going to feel when their day comes! And when my day comes and all my friends and family have to describe me I hope the first word that will come to mind is HONEST. And if I do not leave but one impressionable characteristic on each and everyone of my children I hope they will carry with them through their own lives the simple quality of living each and everyday of their life honestly even if it doesn't get you the furthest in life and the highest in life. Those are really not important when you stand at the fathers right hand.....

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